Professional Astrological Consultations Natal Readings, Annual Forecasts, Horary, Relocation |
Natal Chart (Birth) AnalysisAt the very instant of your birth, the stars were in a certain alignment, this alignment being very personal to YOU. Astrologers believe this details a "road map" of what you incarnated to experience and learn about in your life. This reading talks about "who you are" and discusses your strengths and weaknesses as well as a general overview by house, which includes career, love, money, etc. If anything is pressing in your life at the moment--let me know, and I'll be sure to focus there.I have a "reading style", so I'll spend a few hours analyzing and studying your chart, then record what I see and send you a link to the recording. These recordings are typically around 40-60 minutes. You can then follow up with a few questions, if you like. Once I receive your Order, I'll contact you for your Date of Birth, Time of Birth (off a Birth Certificate is best) and Place of Birth. At that time, we'll schedule an appointment. You must be over 18 to order a Chart reading or have written parental consent. I ask all clients if they prefer honesty--I can surely sugar coat difficulties in the chart, if you choose. ORDER on ETSY:
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