I call myself the FruitCake Astrologer on Social Media. Why? After spending years studying Science, my
family was astounded I wanted to a be an Astrologer! "Is that what you went to school all those years to be? A Fruitcake?". So it's an inside joke...I never want to be
the Astrologer who takes themselves that seriously. In my opinion, a good Astrologer is about 70-90% accurate and that's what I strive for.
I'll tell you what I see. I'll be honest and I'll give it my all.
- Practiced Astrology for decades. Yep, I've seen a few charts over the years...
- M.S. Geology (Geophysics), Magna Cum Laude with enough for a minor in Math.
- MENSA (Top 2% IQ), also qualify for Intertel (Top 1%).
- Christian Astrologer, raised in the farmlands of the Midwest.
- Published Astrological Author - Book listed as "Top 10 on Money". Cover review for Feb/Mar 2010 Mountain Astrologer magazine, book section.
- Pisces rising (compassionate, forgiving), Virgo Sun (love to analyze data), Capricorn Moon (serious, hard-working)
If I had to describe myself (and I guess I do...) I would say I have a deep faith in God (Pisces), strengthened by Astrology. How
can this all work if there isn't a God? The Wise Men who found the Christ child were said to be Persian Astrologers and many of
our predictive techniques come straight out of the Bible. Is it a coincidence? As I grow older, I think not...and that God
speaks to us--he doesn't write English, he writes with the Stars. He wants to help us and guide us
on our way. I don't think he wants us to suffer, I think he wants us to learn.
I'm a Western Astrologer (and we tend to believe in "free will", unlike our Vedic brothers, who operate more on "fate"). I believe with a little guidance, and using our God given brains and talent, we can probably avoid at least
some of the pitfalls in life--if we're given a heads up. So I prefer honesty (but always ask my clients first!)
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